關於LEGO® 2K Drive 產品深入瞭解 Play 歡迎來到大型開放世界樂高® 駕駛冒險的發源地:Bricklandia。你的超讚變形交通工具讓你探索 Bricklandia、參加賽事、完成任務與拼砌新交通工具,穿越街道、越野地形和水域! 終極樂高® 駕駛體驗 坐上駕駛座,準備好展開無數開放世界探索與刺激的賽事!Bricklandia 是一個龐大...
● Unique Customization: LEGO 2K Drive introduces a diverse customization system that allows players to build their own vehicles to suit their tastes, with over 1,000 unique LEGO pieces available over the course of their adventure, in addition to a wealth of color designs, stickers, flairs, ...
[LEGO 2K DRIVE] 進入車庫 當車輛需要進行維修、改裝和新創作時,您會想要參觀車庫,讓您的想像力盡情發揮! 任何您能想到的東西,您都可以用您目前購買或賺取的物品建造和上色。 如果僅僅上色不能得到您想要的風格怎麼辦?這就是貼紙、不同的車輪和其他定制選項的用武之地。無論您是在街車、越野還是水上交通工具上...
LEGO 2K Drive is big, bold, and beautiful, and some of the later races are truly superb. God is a Geek 張貼者:Chris White 7.5 / 10 LEGO 2K Drive has some impressive features, and while the competitive elements could do with a little work, there's still fun to be had. ...
Continue your LEGO 2K Drive adventures with four free seasons of post-launch content, with Premium Rewards in the Year 1 Drive Pass!
Buy Lego 2K Drive on PlayStation Store. Race across the streets, seas and sands as you build your dream rides, brick by brick.
In LEGO 2K Drive, your awesome transforming vehicle gives you the freedom to speed seamlessly across riveting racetracks, off-road terrain, and open waters. Explore the vast world of Bricklandia, show off your driving skills, and build vehicles brick-by-brick!THE ULTIMATE LEGO DRIVING EXPERIENCE...
Buy Lego 2K Drive on PlayStation Store. Race across the streets, seas and sands as you build your dream rides, brick by brick.
游戏介绍 欢迎来到积木兰迪亚,大型开放世界乐高驾驶冒险之家。在任意地方与任何人一起赛车,打造你的梦之旅,击败一群狂野的赛车对手,赢得梦寐以求的天空杯冠军! 游戏截图 版本介绍 v20240313|容量10.3GB|官方简体中文|支持键盘.鼠标.手柄 下载地址:https://www.kunkunwu.com/post/3791.html...
《乐高®2K竞速(LEGO® 2K Drive)》是由Visual Concepts制作,2K发行的一款赛车竞速游戏,你可以在这块大地上的任意地点与任何人共同进行赛车比赛,击败对手,赢得属于你的冠军。