The Science and Story of Chlorine Dioxide There is an answer to the current criminal government over-reach. It is a law enforcement problem, that can be solved by bringing back the grand jury, and the Constitutional militia to the control of the citizens of all of our counties. To learn m...
Since Upper (1974) was a blank paper, none of the above categorization methods should be applicable. Still, the citation sentences could be examined to determine the context of the citation and if erroneous citations could be found. It was found that 12% of the citations received by Upper ...
If the RMA position is to be applicable to any given case (country, state, district), it must demonstrate a ‘fit’ between the model and the case. This means that some sort of evidence must be produced for the two empirical pre-conditions: Shared understandings and tradition. We shall ...
The introduction into the Data Protection Act 2018 of a public interest test, applicable to the research processing of health data, creates an opportunity to further contribute toward crafting a framework that will support only appropriate trade-offs between competing interests. Much will depend on ...