In this episode of our “Florida Capital Conversations” podcast series, policy advisors Kimberly Case, Tori Deal, Jon Steverson and Beth Vecchioli join together to discuss the 2024 regular legislative session in Florida.
As the Florida legislative session heads into its final two weeks, we have seen fewer culture war battles this year. Bills to do an outright ban on abortion and protect confederate monuments and make it illegal to use a person’s preferred pronouns all w
Florida House Speaker Daniel Perez and Senate President Ben Albritton sent a joint letter Monday dismissing the notion of a special session as "premature."
Florida Wraps Up Legislative Session.Reports on the final stages of the legislative body's session in Florida highlighted by deliberations on the state budget.SigoShellyEBSCO_bspBond Buyer
Laws of Florida Florida Constitution Public Hearing November 14, 2024 2024 Legislative Delegation Public Hearing - December 18 Legislative Delegation Public Hearing - November 14 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 PBC Mission Statement To drive a continuous improvement culture of excellence that achieves a me...
Mississippi’s top legislative leaders on Monday unveiled details of their different plans to cut state taxes and potentially expand Medicaid coverage to the working poor, likely two of the main issues that will be debated at the Capitol over the...
OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — Jay Inslee closed out the final day of his last legislative session as Washington state governor on Thursday by describing it as a banner year in the state’s fight against climate change.
“We are praying for our brave New Jersey National Guard members and first responders who are on their way to Florida to support the hurricane response operations and praying for all of those impacted by Hurricane Milton. Stay safe and God bless.” Read on... Singer Bill to Alleviate Licensi...
Recreational Rights to the Dry Sand Beach in Florida: Property, Custom and Controversy At the close of the 2018 legislative session Florida Governor Rick Scott signed HB 631 into law. Included in the bill, which addressed a number of issues r... A Flournoy,T Ankersen,S Alvarenga - 《Lsn ...
, though allies believe that a formal announcement, which could begin with an exploratory committee, is more likely to come around the end of May. For much of the year, he hassidestepped questions about his national ambitions, insisting that he was focused on Florida’s legislative sess...