The new children''s legislation in Northern Ireland raises particular interprofessional issues because it is being implemented in the context of the integrated organisation of statutory health and social services, unlike its counterpart legislation in England and Wales, the Children Act 1989. This ...
At the same time, detention is thought to lead to only modest improvements in clinical and social outcomes [16]. Service users who undergo compulsory admission (compared to those who are admitted voluntarily) have higher rates of suicide and greater dissatisfaction with care, as well as increased...
In February 1951, the first social security legislation of the People's Republic of China Insurance Ordinance introduced, and successively promulgated the pension, health care, industrial, social welfare, regulation and policy. Marking social security system officially began. ...
Education is vital not only in itself, but also for participating in all areas of social activity People with autism have often suffered and, in some parts of the world, are still suffering from a pervasive denial of the right to education because of their special needs. The goal of inclusi...
Plans to create a national social care service in Scotland, once described as the most ambitious reform of public services since the foundation of the NHS, are in disarray. The Scottish government has been forced to abandon its proposed legislative schedule in the face of widespread opposition. ...
Many of the remaining standards are not addressed directly in Indian legislation but provision exists for them to be addressed in policies relating to mental healthcare, general healthcare and social care. When areas of complex comparison are excluded from the analysis and areas of justified non-...