Utilization and Harmonization of Adult Accelerometry Data: Review and Expert Consensus This study aimed to describe the scope of accelerometry data collected internationally in adults and to obtain a consensus from measurement experts regardi... K Wijndaele,K Westgate,SK Stephens,... - 《Medicine ...
Directive 2004/107/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 December 2004 relating to arsenic, cadmium, mercury, nickel and polycyclic aromat... Weiler, A., European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Annual review of working conditions in the EU: 20...
The same penalties shall apply to any person who induces by any means of advertising, by reference to it, the sexual exploitation of minors or adults, or who uses such advertising in response to an offer of services. Article 383 CC Any person who produces, displays, sells or distributes so...
A Financial Provisions Bill will “reconcile several routine financial matters across departments”, and a Budget (No. 2) Bill was introduced via accelerated passage on 1 July 2024. Outside of ‘housekeeping’ legislation, the Minister has signalled her intention to introduce a Fiscal Council Bill...
Tilse, C 2013, `Promoting the use of enduring powers of attorney in older adults: A literature review', Australasian Journal on Ageing, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 2-7. Available from: AGIS. [16 June 2016].Setterlund D, Tilse C, Wilson J. Older people and substitute decision making: ...
Although some sections relating to offences under the legislation are not yet in effect and a review of the legislation is planned in three years' time, companies that operate in Japan or have subsidiaries that operate in Japan need to start considering the implications of Japan's privacy ...
Legislation S.623/A.2206 creates a task force to explore and address the impacts of cyber-bullying. The task force will determine the prevalence of cyber-bullying, make recommendations on how to prevent it, and identify the ways in which the state can be a resource in assisting adults and ...
TheCare Act of 2014ensures that adults are allowed to give consent for their care. It also states that their care should be tailored to them, and they should be able to choose the services they need. As the library example suggests, while all people should have equal access to services, ...
brief consideration of this European perspective, since we believe that it provides a good model. Legislation and regulations regarding chemical substances, preparations, detergents and cosmetics are mentioned, together with information on legislation relating to two very important allergens, nickel and ...
The Act on Health also contains special provisions regarding young patients’ right to self-determination and proxy consent in regard to children and non-autonomous adults, which are of importance for genetic testing. On the same line, according to the Dutch‘Medical Treatment Contracts Act’, (...