Goes beyond mere description to enable engagement in critical analysis of various policy areas as they relate to children and familiesHill MHopkins PEWiley-BlackwellHill, M. and Hopkins, P. (2009), `Safeguarding children who are refugees or asylum seekers: managing multip...
Over the past 25 years, there has been an increasing focus on safeguarding and protecting children in state care. Concerns about maltreatment and neglect by staff members, carers and other children and young people, have led to a range of developments in practice, policy and legislation. This ...
16.Research on Legal Rules and Regulations for Safeguarding the Land Rights of Rural Women;农村妇女土地权利保障的法律规制研究 17.A Comparative Study between the New Law of the Disabled Protection and the Former on the Clauses Related to the Disabled Sports新旧《残疾人保障法》中有关体育相关规定之...
five years after the rule's effective date.(4)Comments were requested on the costs and benefits of the rule; whether it should be retained, eliminated, or modified; and its effect on practices relating to the collection of information relating to children, children...
Many newborn infants die or are born with abnormal physical conditions such as misshaped limbs, loss of ability to move, and loss of memory; predominantly children aged 1–15 suffer from deformities, congenital malformations, and musculoskeletal disorders; both adults and children have infertility, ...