Plenty of information about all Legion-related non-comics merchandise. Merchandise index|Video Release History|Action figures|Trading cards Log in Search Tools What links here Related changes Special pages Printable version Permanent link Page information ...
Television Legion of Super Heroes cartoon Overview, Legion article, Membership, Timeline, List of episodes DCAUSuperman: TAS, Justice League Unlimited Legion of Super-Heroes, Membership, New Kids in Town & Far from Home. Elseworlds Anything not derivative of one of the above What are Else...
摘要: Over 500 pages of futuristic super-hero action are collected in this value-priced volume! In this new volume, the Legion battles Mordru the Merciless and The Fatal Five, and meet The Tornado Twins. - SHOWCASE PRESENTS - LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES VOL. 4...
Superman and the Legion of Superheroes HeroClixAvailable January 29th, 2014.•Booster Packs ($12.99) has 69 figures, including Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl and Lightning lad. Breakdown is 16 common (plus 1 prime), 16 Uncommons (plus 1 prime), 13 Rares (plus 1 prime), 11 Super Rares (plus...
(The Brave and the Bold, Deadpool) comes the greatest conflict that Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes have ever faced, featuring a cast of hundreds in a battle royale for the ages. This deluxe edition collects FINAL CRISIS: LEGION OF THREE WORLDS #1-5 and features a brand-new ...
Curze invited his brother to parlay on the world of Tsagualsa, but the pair came to blows, saved from death only by the quick action of their honor guards. Afterwards, the Lion would pursue a grudge against the Night Haunter. The Tuchulcha device The Dark Angels encountered a running ...
And while these well-known figures are out of sight and out of mind, it’s only because “Legion” is focused on creating a private universe within a mind of its own; one far more intricate, intimate, and courageous than any that have come before. Related Stories ‘SNL50: Beyond ...
Caesar's Legion (Latin: Legio Caesaris),[1] also referred to simply as The Legion, is an imperialistic slaver society and totalitarian dictatorship founded in 2247 by Edward "Caesar" Sallow and Joshua Graham, built on the conquest and enslavement of trib