Legion of Honor Museum 旧金山西北角的世界级博物馆 首页 全部景点 荣誉军团博物馆 旧金山艺术博物馆分馆,展览欧洲艺术精品。 荣誉军团博物馆隶属旧金山艺术博物馆,位于旧金山半岛西北角的林肯公园内。博物馆于1924年建成,建筑结构参考了法国的荣誉军团宫殿(Palais de la Legion d'Honneur)。旧金山艺术博物馆的另一分馆...
摄影(Photography):摄影爱好者们应该直奔 Legion of Honor 和 de Young Museum 中的大型展览,它们拥有该艺术媒介在当代处于萌芽期时所拍摄的照片。 Legion of Honor 和 de Young Museum 时间 具体开放时间可能会因季节而异,因此请务在游览前查看官方Legion of Honor和de Young Museum 的在线日历。 Legion of Honor...
🪡。。。🇺🇸Legion of Honor Museum Exhibition/三藩市荣耀宫美术馆策展~2: 🇨🇳Guo Pei‘s Embroidered Universe:Stitch by Stitch/郭培的刺绣宇宙:一针一线。。。🧵🪡(网图) 标签: 衣饰 û收藏 2 15 ñ13 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载...
旧金山荣誉军团博物馆(San Francisco Legion of Honor Museum)🏛🏛🏛位于林肯公园的一处高地,面朝大海。我来的这天是周二,游人几乎没有,入内参观的都是上了年纪非常有空
In the northwest corner of San Francisco is one of the most beautiful museums in the city: The California Palace of the Legion of Honor, a museum of fine arts. The setting is gorgeous, as well... woodsy views of the Golden Gate and entrance to San Francisco Bay. ...
The meaning of LEGION OF HONOR is a French order conferred as a reward for civil or military merit.
General admission to the Legion of Honor museum in San Francisco Browse an extensive collection of European and Mediterranean art This SF gem has smaller crowds, with more space to explore at your leisure Same-day admission to the de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park ...
Combine marine life, planets, tropical biomes and natural history in San Francisco 4.7 (494) From €21.12 San Francisco de Young Museum From the stunning copper façade right through the collection, San Francisco's de Young Museum is a journey into the...
When I heardthe Legion of Honor was going to presentCasanova: The Seduction of Europe,I couldn’t help but have a naughty chuckle to myself. The museum did a fabulous job with theKLIMT & RODIN: An Artistic Encounterexhibition last year, which saw some very sexy moments; and as...