win11 24h..有没有兄弟升级24h2的呀。分享一下感受。。听说打了鸡血补丁。有无老兄玩战神5诸神黄昏的,帧率怎么样
win11 24H2..24H2 LTSC➕AMD公版驱动18w TDP 地平线零之曙光,1000P 50帧我记得之前应该是达不到这个帧数的,而且很糊,现在完全畅玩了感觉24H2是刷的PCBETA论坛里别人精简的版本
Thank you for your question regarding the Windows 24H2 update for the Legion Go. We don't see this model from the official 24H2 build compatible articleherebut I've seen some users from independent discussions online that have received the update already. Updates are typically rolled out in p...
联想Legion ..IT 之家上的联想 Legion Go 游戏掌机规格参数:处理器:AMD Ryzen Z1 Extreme(8 核 16 线程)显示:8.8 英寸 QHD+ (2560 x 1600) IPS;16:
14.4 Legion Go续航总结 15. 电源键动作与滑动关机 16. 屏幕OSD显示 * 关于强制更新显示驱动 * 不需要开启SAM * 提取联想预装壁纸(可选) * 预装的Windows 11无法使用Windows 安全中心 * 屏幕校色文件(可选) * 关机充电显示 三、在Windows 11上玩游戏 ...
The Lenovo Legion Go is a bulky handheld gaming PC with a bright display and detachable controllers. The sturdy kickstand is a welcome addition, but the high resolution won't work for all games, and a software learning curve makes it much more complicated than the Nintendo Switch it sort of...
这个问题基本无解,我也是24H2,上个版本的legion space死活打不开。前几天更新了space到最新版本,它就自己好了。 来自Android客户端2楼2024-11-09 21:24 回复 🐟暴躁的小丑魚🐠 铁杆吧友 8 更新Windows会自动更新核显驱动,重新安装一次显卡驱动就好了 来自Android客户端3楼2024-11-12 09:22 回复 ...
Hello.i try your device boot up.but 24h2 is gone and still use 23h2.i think 24h2 have bugs microsoft block attempt updating windows 11 for my legion go. Solution spidey101Sr Support Specialist 29741103 Posts:19272 Registered:2015-11-30 23:00:40 ...
2、修复USB3.0在强制关机时丢失设备的问题。3、在MS/S3上添加用户开关电源指示灯状态的功能。4、AMD PI从1.1.0.2c回滚到1.1.0.1a。5、修复在Windows 24H2安全启动标志HLK失败和UCSI HLK测试失败。6、修改BT MCU的唤醒时间,以应对长期睡眠问题导致的异常恢复。 5楼2024-07-22 09:08 回复 ...