Leggett & Platt® enhance people’s lives worldwide by designing and manufacturing innovative, distinctive products and components for use in bedding, furniture, seating, homes, offices, airplanes, and automobiles.
The meaning of LEGGETT is Sir Anthony (James) 1938— British-American physicist.
Caldeira-Leggett 模型是一个半经验模型,用于处理系统与其环境耦合的动力学过程. 根据系统变量的经典运动方程所施加的约束,可以建立一个最小的哈密顿模型来描述封闭系统(包括感兴趣的系统和其环境),该模型模拟了真实的物理现象,并且具有解析处理的能力. 其最重要的结果之一是可以处理耗散系统的量子力学问题.量子系统中的...
With an inventive heritage that spans more than 130 years, Leggett & Platt® conceives, designs, and produces a diverse array of products that can be found in homes, offices, and vehicles around the world.
Leggett & Platt Flooring Products, a division of Leggett & Platt, provides luxurious comfort and support under a variety of flooring types.
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Founded in 1883, Leggett & Platt became a pioneer in the bedding and comfort industries with the creation of the steel coil bedspring. Over the last century-plus, Leggett & Platt has grown into a global diversified manufacturer – leveraging comprehensive capabilities and advanced technologies to ...
Office seating, home furniture, flooring underlayment, textile components – Leggett & Platt brings comfort and innovation to everyday products at home or at work.
Leggett & Platt is the leading U.S.-based manufacturer of: a) bedding components; b) automotive seat support and lumbar systems; c) specialty bedding foams and private label finished mattresses; d) components for home furniture and work furniture; e) flooring underlayment; f) adjustable beds;...
商标名称 LEGGETT&PLATT 国际分类 第20类-家具 商标状态 驳回复审中 申请/注册号 62255247 申请日期 2022-01-19 申请人名称(中文) L&P产权管理公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 美国加利福尼亚州90280南盖特市火石路4095号 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 1842 初审公告日期 2023-06-06 注册公告...