you followed none of them. And they all loved you more. Samuel, Father, and my... even my own wife.初见时候Alfred一个眼神就足以点明他对Susan的一见钟情,往后余生他倾注了所有的爱,柔情似水、一往情深。Alfred
激情燃烧的岁月--Legends of the fall 这篇影评可能有剧透 一直不知道怎么命名这个标题,感觉整部电影就是一个鸿篇巨制,实在想不出来怎么概括了,只能沿用电影的中文翻译了--燃情岁月!大爱影片中欧美风的山水田园生活,雪山草地,蓝天白云,对于这大自然的馈赠,完全没有抵抗力。影片讲的是美国20世纪一个家庭迁居西部的...
505 reviews Hide spoilersReview RatingsShow all Sort byFeatured 8/10 A war between love and rage I have enjoyed watching the film a number of times during several periods of my life and, as time goes by, I believe that it is gaining the general recognition it deserves! This is an epic...
screenwriters Susan Shilliday and Bill Wittliff have, in a way that is almost engaging in its audacity, turned the masculine Harrison into a latter-day Edna Ferber, the patron saint of panoramic Western romances.
《legends of the fall》 中译名《燃情岁月》 厚重的弦乐作配乐,雪山草原作背景。 战火下的三兄弟,一个女人。 戏剧性的典范。 我喜欢崔斯坦身上那种自由、野性、不羁的力量——他身上的那头熊——披着金发,在旷野纵马。最后他也死在熊掌之下(也可以取象征义,死在他的野性之下)...
[tab][srp thumbnail_width=”100″ thumbnail_height=”100″ post_content_length=”100″ post_content_length_mode=”words” post_title_length=”50″ noposts_text=”NO POST AVAILABLE” post_date=”no” tags_include=”Legends-of-the-fall-en” layout_num_cols=”5″ post_limit=”50″] [/...
And then there is a ton of story that I don’t need to be getting into. In many ways, standard epic business, except for the Indian matters, the anti-government sentiments, and the curse of the Volstead Act. As a period piece, Legends of the Fall is good with the costumes. [I ...
Legends of the Fall: Directed by Edward Zwick. With Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, Aidan Quinn, Julia Ormond. In the early 1900s, three brothers and their father living in the remote wilderness of Montana are affected by betrayal, history, love, nature, and
“[Legends of the Fall] may well be the best set of novellas to appear in this country during the last quarter century.”—Robert Houston,New York Times Book Review “I can’t begin to do justice to the nuances of character and honest complexities of plot in this work. The writing is...