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Legends of the Condor Heroes 1: A Hero Born(直译:秃鹫英雄传说1:英雄诞生)。单看英文的话,这...
Ashe is the Iceborn warmother of the Avarson tribe which grants her the power to command the populous horde in the north. She is stoic, intelligent, but idealistic. Ashe questions her role as a leader. Her lineage allows her to tap into her powerful ancestral magic to wield a bow of Tru...
LOTM: Blood Of War is story written by dazthefunny07, and ItzBeto as well (since he asked permission). Celebrimbor sense strange power and Sauron knew sense power it's real war or nothing, Sauron summon Morgul Orcs track power new strength stronghold. ne
How much time do people spend in front of mirrors every day? While an exact number might be difficult to tally, chances are it's fairly high. These ...
No mortal exemplifies the spiritual traditions of Ionia more than Karma. She is the living embodiment of an ancient soul reincarnated countless times, carrying all her accumulated memories into each new life, and blessed with power that few can comprehend. She has done her best to guide her peo...
Notes Column 1 is sorted by champion name and release date. Splash art, voice actor, splash artist and set names can be seen by hovering the skin name. Set name can also be seen by hovering over the tick icon. Chroma previews can be seen by hovering over the tick icon. ...
Akali may strike in silence, but her message will be heard loud and clear: fear the assassin with no master. Ionia has always been a land of wild magic, its vibrant people and powerful spirits seeking to live in harmony… but sometimes this peaceful equilibrium does not come easily. ...
Alias Black Raven, Black Knight, Black Warrior, Lone Wolf, The Assassin of 10,000 Faces, Noble Demon, Knight of Takhisis, Raven of the Darkest Night, Demon with a Heart of Gold, Darker than Black, Black Matt, Dark Matt, Corrupted Butcher Characteristics Race Black Demon Age 2,024 ...
Place two hazelnuts (or some say chestnuts) in a fire after naming each for the people in a couple. If the nuts burn together side by side the relationship will last. But if one of the nuts cracks or jumps out of the fire the couple will split. ...