Science and math games that increase engagement and K-8 test scores. Aligned to standards, backed by research, and reviewed by educators.
所属公司:Legends of Learning 当前融资轮次:天使轮 成立日期:2016-01-01 所属地:美国 简介:Legends of Learning是一个专注于基于游戏的学习以促进教育的电子学习平台。网站现在有1500+游戏,原先主要针对中学生,去年年末拓展到低年龄段孩子,可覆盖三到八年级学生。内容主要是科学游戏,涵盖了地理、生活、物理等。
Students are going to love it, and research study after research study has shown that when students are engaged in rigorous game-based learning, increased test scores follow.” The educational Angry Birds games are set to be released on Legends of Learning in the fall of 2023....
This is an archive page for a variety of categories for all blogs and articles written and published by Legends of Learning.
Learning Universe Teacher Resources and FAQs on Legends of Learning's math and science mini-games By Jessica and 2 others63 articles Math Basecamp Teacher Resources and FAQ's on Legends of Learning's Math Basecamp By Jessica and 2 others27 articles...
A large part of the experience is reviewing content taught by the teacher in-class or from the instructional games on the Legends of Learning platform. The original orientation is a classic Who Wants to Be a Millionaire style—question above, answers below. There are many things to like about...
Great! Let us know if you are a… Teacher Create game-based assignments for your class Student Play legendary learning games Parent Keep up with your child’s progress
Using the physics-based gameplay and memorable characters of the Angry Birds games is such a great way to teach these concepts, you might not even realize you’re learning something.Last summer, we announced a partnership with Legends of Learning, who create web-based games to give classroo...
STUFF OF LEGENDS: Legends of Learning, a maker of curriculum-based games, has raised $3.5 million from undisclosed investors, according to multiple news reports this week. The company has raised $9.5 million to date. The Fulton, Md.-based company, founded in 2016, has over 1,500 gam...
Legends of Learning was very easy to navigate, and even though I did not have a set curriculum to follow at home, I could easily see how this would work naturally into a teacher’s lesson plans and save tons of time! The kids have played several of the games so far and enjoy them ...