Diablo 3 Forums Legendary Gems level General Discussion AciStorM-6424 March 9, 2024, 7:51am 1 How can I advance my Legendary gems to new level, most of my gems are at between 100 -123, I solo abit these day. The highest gr i can comfortably clear is 120 or 121. Thanks nak...
the class info seems to be wiped (https://us.diablo3.blizzard.com/en-us/class/) together with its all subpages. Not quite… while the “class” page is now inaccessible by players, the subpages (or some of them in any event) can still be accessed from the web profile if you know...
Cannot find Legendary Gem but can upgrade it at Urshi. If Urshi can see the gem and you can upgrade it, it exists somewhere. Most likely it can be in one of your follower’s slots is a common hiding place. You can search for the gem by placing a different legendary gem in the to...
Diablo 3 Forums Legendary Gem Glitch Bug Report Meteorblade-2266 January 27, 2021, 6:06pm 2 Ever wondered why we have stickied threads at the top of the forum… Things That Are NOT Bugs Cannot find Legendary Gem but can upgrade it at Urshi. If Urshi can see the gem and you can...
爱玩网 > 暗黑破坏神3 > 数据库 > 基础 > 传奇宝石 语言: 简体 版本: v2.6.1 1 2 装备名称品质部位来源物品等级装备等级 猩红灵魂碎片 传奇 宝石 世界掉落 1 1 闪耀冰晶 传奇 宝石 世界掉落 1 1 波亚斯基的芯片 传奇 宝石 世界掉落 1 1 毁伤之御 传奇 宝石 世界掉落 1 1 受罚者之灾...
1 Funcionalidades de acessibilidade PEGI 18 Linguagem Ofensiva, Jogo, Jogo Online, Violência +Oferece compras via aplicação. O modo multijogador na consola requer o Xbox Game Pass Ultimate ou o Xbox Game Pass Core (vendidos separadamente). ...
暴击使敌人流血,在3秒内受到1200.0%(+30.0%/等级)的武器伤害(作为物理伤害)。 获得鲜血狂乱效果,20码内每个流血的敌人使你攻击速度提高3%。(需要25级) 剧毒宝石 使命中的所有敌人中毒,在10秒内造成2000%(+50%/等级)的武器伤害。 中毒的敌人受到的所有伤害提高10%。(需要25级) ...
“I am...not interested, little sun. Try again when you have become a man.” Y’shtola sassiness never fails to crack us. This being the first, it is worth noting! 24. “Yes, mother.” - Player’s Character, Shadowbringer.
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