ព្រេងនិទានសៀនវូ EP44 សម្រាយរឿង Legend of Xianwu Season 2 Nothing’s getting in the way of this girl’s marriage, not even her wedding veil. Synopsis: Adapted from the novel Poison Genius Consort by author Jie Mo, the 48...
The local people regarded him as righteous, and those who fol‑ lowed and allied themselves to him were more than a thousand families; they established him as the TaiBo (The Grand Eldest) of Wu" 吳太伯,太伯弟仲雍,皆周太王之子,而王 季曆之兄也.…… 太伯之饹荊蠻,自號句吳.荊蠻義之,從而...