Disfruta de The Legend of Dragoon™, que se lanzó originalmente en la consola PlayStation®, optimizado con renderización mejorada, retroceso, guardado rápido y filtros de video personalizados.Descubre una fantasía llena de magnificencia, engaño, combates mágicos y retribución al unirte ...
Experience The Legend of Dragoon™ – originally released on the PlayStation® console, enhanced with up-rendering, rewind, quick save, and custom video filters.Unveil a fantasy of magnificence, deception, magical combat, and retribution as you join swordsman Dart and his companions to harness ...
Gallery of official artwork and character designs from The Legend of Dragoon, featuring concept art for the game's characters and promotional materials by Tatsuya Nakamura, Kenichi Iwata, and Hirohiko Iyoku.
Автономнаяигравключена 1игрок Версия PS4 Вибрация DUALSHOCK 4 Сыграйтев The Legend of Dragoon™, котораяизначальнобылавыпущенанаконсоли PlayStation®, атеперьдосту...
The Legend of Dragoon 龙骑士传说的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
The Legend of Dragoon (レジェンド オブ ドラグーン, Rejendo obu Doragūn) is a role-playing game developed and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the video game console PlayStation. It was first released in Japan on December 2, 1999, in North Am
这是命运,身为暗黑龙骑士的命运。 中年人带着女孩走向山谷深处。一片开阔的草地上散乱的堆着几块石柱。所谓石柱是早已磨损的只剩一点的废石块,却依稀可以看见点点像星星一样闪烁的力量光球 。草地四周是高高的山壁,像帷幕一样裹住这里。 “这里就是那场大战的遗址。”中年人指着萦绕在石柱上的力量光球说:“那...
龙骑士传说The Legend of Dragoon SCE Japan Studio 1999-12-02 7.48.4 简介 开发/发行 链接 Logo 资源 媒体评分7.4会员评分8.4 一个和平的开始。这个传说诞生于一万年前。一场激烈的起义。一个飞行生物的文明奴役了人类。一场血腥的战争。为了争取自由,人类利用龙的精神力量,取得了胜利。宁静与和谐存在于所有人...
GameVortex's review of Legend of Dragoon. Hrm. The graphics in <b>Legend of Dragoon</b> are definitely a mixed bag. The backgrounds are your typical static 3D renders, with some animation in various screens. On the whole, they actually look quite nice an
The Legend of Dragoon(1999) Quotes|Add Images Comment Member Features |LoginorRegister Voting 0 VS Matches Capture Game |What is this?|Hints Locked! Waifu and Imouto systems have now merged into something new, the Family Tree! Explore 19 relationship options, and maintain happiness with your fa...