Legend of Mir 2: Mir Arcadia New server from the maker of Project 69 New quests, bosses, dungeons, gear, and more Widely famous for keeping servers alive for many years 99 of Mir servers are dead but we are still strong and want you to play Re-live the Mir dream once again Details ...
Legend of Arcadia 是一个多链、免费玩赚的休闲策略卡牌游戏,将传统游戏与 Web3 GameFi 2.0 相结合。玩家可以收集和培养称为“玩具英雄”的玩具人形生物,通过质押、战斗和挖矿来增加收益。游戏特色包括8个职业和6个派系的玩具英雄,为玩家提供沉浸式和有奖励的游戏体验。 所属公司:Legend of Arcadia Ltd 法定代表人...