雷盖亚传说 Legend Of Legaia < Biron Monastery.mid Boss.mid Conkram.mid Drake Castle.mid Ending.mid Forest of Mystery.mid Jeremi.mid Muscle Dome.mid Rim Elm.mid Snowdrift Cave.mid 感谢midi控提供midi
The three warriors have to search the land behind the cause of the emission of a mysterious myst engulfing all over Legaia, which affects the beings called Serus causing them to rampage!... Some villages and towns were already subdued by ...See more ...
Legend of Legaia From Before I Play This game was made to sell the strategy guide. There are plenty of random/powerful items in strange places even where there shouldn't be anything. Look up a guide. (optional) Use all the stat boosting items on Vahn. He has the toughest fights in ...
Legend of Legaia 雷盖亚传说的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
网络释义 1. 雷盖亚传说 谁能给个PS游戏... ... Arc The Lad 妖精战士1[英文版] 235M (55)Legend of Legaia雷盖亚传说(亚沙拉传说) [英文版] 227M (91) ... bbs.chinaemu.org|基于15个网页