The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki is a completely new game in the Kiseki series. The sprawling Republic of Calvard is experiencing an unprecedented economic boom brought on by post-war reparations. At the same time, feelings of uncertainty stemming from a massive influx of immigrants and b...
Offline play enabled 1 player PS4 Version PS VR headset enabled PS Camera optional PS4 Pro Enhanced DUALSHOCK 4 vibration Editions: The Legend of Heroes: Hajimari no Kiseki [Standard Edition] (Traditional Chinese) RM 103.10RM 257.77Save 60%Offer ends 20/12/2024 02:59 PM UTC ...
Over 1.2 million copies sold! THE LEGEND OF HEROES: SEN NO KISEKI IV -THE END OF SAGA, the final chapter of the story-driven RPG series SEN NO KISEKI, is finally here! The Erebonian Empire is covered with a curse due to The Great Twilight. As it plunges headlong into a great war ...
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III, NIS America, Inc., PlayStation 4, PS4SEG03321 The legend of class VII begins anew! Get a head start with the long-awaited The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III Early Enrollment Edition!
5% off your next order Get a coupon via email with purchase. Exclusions apply Sign-up for Fanatical's Newsletter! Unlock special gaming deals, limited-time bundles, and more — sign up today! About The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak Ultimate Edition ...
Explore the richly detailed world of "The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak" with the "Mini Art Book," a 19-page volume that distills the vibrant essence of the game's expansive universe.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie has a great story with an engaging turn-based battle system. While it does have issues with a bloated cast of characters, the story’s impeccable pacing makes every interaction manageable.
Return to the Calvard Republic and unravel the mystery of the crimson beast! One day, a shocking series of murders set the wheels of fate into motion once again. Chaos looming on the horizon, the spriggan Van Arkride receives an unexpected visitor. Who i
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5% off your next order Get a coupon via email with purchase. Exclusions apply Sign-up for Fanatical's Newsletter! Unlock special gaming deals, limited-time bundles, and more — sign up today! About The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak ...