Legend Of Dragoon (Psone Classic) PS3 · PSP remove advertising 当价格跌破期望值或出现折扣时发出通知 将游戏标记为已购买并将其添加到我的游戏库 改进个性化推荐,并将游戏添加到喜欢的游戏 从列表和搜索中删除该游戏,同时保持价格跟踪 价格变动历史
GameVortex's review of Legend of Dragoon. Hrm. The graphics in <b>Legend of Dragoon</b> are definitely a mixed bag. The backgrounds are your typical static 3D renders, with some animation in various screens. On the whole, they actually look quite nice an
Legend Of Dragoon (Psone Classic) PS3 · PSP 当价格跌破期望值或出现折扣时发出通知 将游戏标记为已购买并将其添加到我的游戏库 改进个性化推荐,并将游戏添加到喜欢的游戏 从列表和搜索中删除该游戏,同时保持价格跟踪 价格变动历史 发售日期 May 1, 2012...
After an hour or two of playing, you finally gain the ability to transform into Dragoons. Once in Dragoon mode, you can either attack physically or magically. To gain new magic, you need to gain dragoon levels. To gain dragoon levels you must earn SP (Spirit Points). To gain those jus...
Seriously, LOD isn't very well designed or balanced, the cast is offensively cliched, and the gameplay is repetitive. That said, LOD is also one of the most breathtakingly beautiful JRPGs of the PSX-era. Its music is amazing. The Dragoon spell animations are fun to watch (the first time...
of the localization have been cleaned up, and Square had the foresight to include a nice speed-up feature that boosts the pace of the gameplay but not the music. There are a variety of display options available too, which include customizable borders, on-screen touch controls, and even a ...