使用ListLayoutElements函数引用图例元素。 使用LegendElement类中的updateItem方法更新图例中特定的图例项样式项目。 建议您为每个页面布局元素赋予唯一的名称,以便在使用 ArcPy 脚本时便于区分。可以在 ArcMap“属性”对话框的大小和位置选项卡中对其进行设置。
('V3')forelminlyt_cim.elements:ifelm.name =="Legend": leg_cim = lyt_cim.elements[1] leg_cim.titleSymbol.symbol.height =30leg_cim.titleSymbol.symbol.horizontalAlignment ='Center'leg_cim.titleSymbol.symbol.fontStyleName ='Bold'leg_cim.titleSymbol.symbol.symbol.symbolLayers[0].color.values ...
Suggested default rendering of the fieldset and legend elements HTML5The definition of '<legend>' in that specification. Recommendation HTML 4.01 SpecificationThe definition of '<legend>' in that specification. Recommendation Initial definition ...
Zuordnung des Legend-Elements: zum DateNavigator-Element: Fügen Sie in der View nach dem DateNavigator-Element ein Legend-Element ein und ordnen Sie dieses dem DateNavigator-Element zu, indem Sie die ID des Legend-Elements als Eigenschaft legendId des DateNavigator-Elements setzen. zur Table: Sie...
Cardinality 0-1: Optional element that can occur once or not at all. Element Relationships 展开表 RelationshipElement Parent element Chart Child elements InsidePlotArea, Layout, Position, Style, Visible 请参阅 参考 Report Definition XML Elements 帮助和信息 获取SQL Server 2005 帮助中文...
[Foundation.Register("DOMHTMLLegendElement", true)] [ObjCRuntime.Deprecated(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 14, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.None, "No longer supported.")] public class DomHtmlLegendElement : WebKit.DomHtmlElement繼承...
ITableStyleElements ITableStyles ITextBox ITextBoxes ITextConnection ITextFrame ITickLabels ITimelineState ITimelineViewState IToolbar IToolbarButton IToolbarButtons IToolbars ITop10 ITrendline ITrendlines IUniqueValues IUpBars IUsedObjects IUserAccess IUserAccessList IValidation IValueChange IVPage...
p = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject('current') lyt = p.listLayouts('Layout')[0] leg = lyt.listElements('LEGEND_ELEMENT')[0]#Change the patch size for all legend items#only display features in the visible map frame extentforitminleg.items: itm.patchHeight =15itm.patchWidth =30ifitm.name =='...
Legend, traditional story or group of stories about a particular person or place. Legends resemble folktales in content; they may include supernatural beings, elements of mythology, or explanations of natural phenomena, but they are associated with a par
// Always displays legend elements for the map's layers // regardless of their minScale, maxScale, and legendEnabled properties legend.respectLayerVisibility = false; style Property style Object |String ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.7 Indicates the style of the legend. The style determines...