What if you could legally sell your kidney?: With Sally Satel. AEI Resident Scholar Dr. Sally Satel describes her proposal to improve organ donation through market incentives.
You feel like you could live a good life without one kidney since you don't drink and you take care of yourself. Can you legally sell it? Or maybe, God forbid, your life is limited to a short amount of time due to a condition or disease (with a medical confirmation). Could you se...
You feel like you could live a good life without one kidney since you don't drink and you take care of yourself. Can you legally sell it? Or maybe, God forbid, your life is limited to a short amount of time due to a condition or disease (with a medical confirmation). Could you se...
I've been there a small crack in your car windshield and you think it's fine. Then all of a sudden it turns into a massive crack and the entire windshield is cracked. So can you legally drive your car that way in Missouri?
Do you think the government should be able to regulate things that people need to live? Should people have the right to sell their organs? What would happen to the supply of organs (or kidney) if the sale of kidney was legalized? Do uniform laws apply in all states, including those in...
28--穿红色的,是自信的颜色l think you should go with the red. lts the color of confidence. 29--你为何弃用你的识别颜色l dont understand why youre disregarding... your signature color. 30--我不能作普通约会的打扮Hes proposing. l cant look like l would on any other date. 31--今天晚上的...
VivianKensington:SelmaBlair,alawstudent ProfessorCallahan:VictorGarber,aHarvardlawprofessor ProfessorStromwell:aHarvardlawprofessorBrookeTaylor-Windham:afamousfitnessinstructoraccusedofmurderingherhusbandPauletteBonafonté(andlaterParcelle):Elle’smanicuristandconfidanteDavidKidney:a“dorky”lawstudentEnidWexler...
33、eryone says a little bitabout themselves.300Lets start with you.301My name is David Kidney.302I have a mastersin Russian literature.303a Ph.D in biochemistry.304and for the lasteighteen months.305Ive been deworming orphansin Somalia.306Awesome. What about you?307Hey. How you doing?Im...
来 I think you should go with the red. 我认为你应该穿红色 Its the color of confidence. 那是自信的表现 I dont understand why youre disregarding... 我不明白你为什么那么冷漠 your signature color. 你的签名也是 Hes proposing. I cant look like I would on any other date. 他正计划着,我不能...
每一个人都介绍一下自己 Lets startwith you. 你先 My name is David Kidney. 我名叫大卫 I have a masters in Russian literature... 我曾经拿过俄罗斯文学学位 a Ph. D in biochemistry... 和生物学学位 andforthe last eighteen months... 在这最近十八个月 Ive been deworming orphans in Somalia....