A devastating fire that began at a lumber processing mill in Weed, California, has led to a significant lawsuit filed by local residents against the mill's operators. On July 10, 2024, plaintiffs Ashley Navarre, Michael Navarre, Justis Navarre (through guardian ad litem Ashley Navarre), and...
Currently,possessing weed is illegal. In 2025, the medical use of cannabis in KY will be allowed. Responsible Gambling and Addiction Prevention Gambling can be fun, but only when done responsibly. If you don’t follow the guidelines set by theKentucky Council on Problem Gambling, the experience...
People younger than a certain age are not allowed to have or use weed. If you break age limits, you could face legal consequences. Conclusion Finally, using Delta-9 THC during a game of baccarat or anywhere else is governed by a complicated set of laws and rules that can be very ...
Blog Workplace drug/alcohol policies in a legal weed world: 10 easy steps 9.6.24 Easy? Ha! By: Robin E. Shea Newsletter Don’t let a bad employee’s protected activity lead you into the twilight zone. 9.5.24 You are about to enter another dimension. A journey into…Read More By: ...
Schedule your case evaluation with us Contact Bell Legal Group Today Georgetown, SC Office 219 Ridge St. Georgetown, SC 29440 (843) 546-2408 Raleigh, NC Office 751 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27607 (919) 277-9299
2019a. A review on weed detection using ground-based machine vision and image processing techniques. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 158: 226–40. [CrossRef] Wang, Jinjiang, Peilun Fu, and Robert X. Gao. 2019b. Machine vision intelligence for product defect inspection based on deep ...