Recently, a perspective known as critical legal studies has emerged. The principal dimensions of this perspective are explicated, and some attention is directed towards the controversy over the role of adherents of this perspective in the law school. The argument advanced here is that these ...
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies Vol.43 No.4 本期《牛津法律研究杂志》刊于2023年末,共包括8篇论文。论文主题多样,横跨合同法、程序法、法理学、金融监管等多个领域,分别为(1)程序法的表达维度,即认为某些程序规则可以表达或被...
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 192 1st International Conference on Indonesian Legal Studies (ICILS 2018) Professional Legal Ethic in Australia Reid Mortensen School of Law and Justice, University of Southern Queensland Toowoomba Campus, Australia Email: Reid.Mortensen...
Share this case study Like this case study Taylor v Taylor (1890)11 NSWR 323 play stop mute max volume 00:00 This recording is subject to Copyright Purchase This is the preview only. Please purchase to get access to the full audio summary.Featured...
California. He represented April Gallop in her lawsuit accusing Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Richard Myers of mass murder and treason for their complicity in the attacks of 9/11. The principal factual assertions...
Our work focused on the Australian Legal Case Reports dataset for two main reasons. First, several studies have already been performed on such a dataset. Second, it is suitable for simulating the lack of human-crafted abstracts, unlike the BillSum dataset (Kornilova and Eidelman2019), for exam...
Where there is a link between the consumption of pornographic content and the development of an identifiable disorder, specifically compulsive sexual behaviour disorder, then is there scope for a class action against the content supplier based on product liability legislation? This deserves further invest...
While there is significant disagreement over the methods and metrics used to evaluate the incidence of sexual assault—and therefore sizeable variation in the rates calculated by researchers—there are other studies that have derived similarly unsettling statistics (Malmsheimer 2014). For instance, in ...
Studies have shown that the more cognitive resources teachers spend trying to communicate a lack of racism to their students, the more cognitive depletion that results. Our biases manifest in interactions with our students, in the form of decreased eye contact, nervousness, discomfort, awkwardness, ...
开学季特惠,9月3日-11月30日,专业版用户每周AI豆3倍膨胀,快来领取吧!摘要原文 Reasoning by jurors concerning whether an accused person should be convicted of committing a crime is a kind of casual inference. Jurors need to decide whether the evidence in the case was caused by the accused's ...