Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill. All Right reserved. incriminate 1to bring into the possibility of a criminal charge. 2in Scotland the word incrimination is used in a slightly different sense. Incrimination is a special defence, of which notice must be given...
PUBLICITY. The doing of a thing in the view of all persons who choose to be present. 2. The law requires that courts should be open to the public, there can therefore be no secret tribunal, except the grand jury (q.v.) and all judgments are required to be given in public. ...
This is especially true when the meaning of a legal document is encoded in its (discourse) structure in a way that is different from the spoken language. For example, long sentences or more “formal” writing may be preferred in legislative documents (e.g., Brussels I bis Regulation EU ...
Inastudy of courtrecordsdating from 1600–1623 in theAnatolian city ofKayseri, RonaldJenni ngsfindsre-cordsinwhichwomenwho hadbeenmarried as infantsconfirm,now thattheywere no longer minors,thattheyacceptthe marriagesarrangedfor themandarenot exercising thei rright of annulment. Ages areoftennot...
For ease of interpretation, we also present the results graphically in Figure 1, which—when one views the data from left to right—illustrates the odds of greater investments by increasing levels of legal commitment. Our hypotheses predicted that the height of the bars should increase as they ...
So, if you are willing to tryonline gambling in India, then we can offer you all the related information and guidance to help you make the right choice. Being one of the top informational sites for online cricket betting in India, The Top Bookies is here to serve you. We also take pri...
Definition of Fatal in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Fatal? Meaning of Fatal as a legal term. What does Fatal mean in law?
Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill. All Right reserved. ORPHAN. A minor or infant who has lost both of his or her parents. Sometimes the term is applied to such a person who has lost only one of his or her parents. 3 Mer. 48; 2 Sim. & Stu. 93;...