Megan Steenburgh: Yeah well as you mentioned if you wait too long you’ve got different issues but I think many people fear about opening up about mental health issues because they don’t want to be treated differently, they don’t want to — if it’s later they don’t want to los...
Part III: Mental Health Professionals and Litigation . O. Brandt Caudill, Jr. When a Mental Health Professional is in Litigation. Sexual Misconduct Claims. Dual Relationships. Failure to Warn of a Patient's Danger. Patient Suicide. Unusual treatment techniques. Litigation Self Defense. Conclusion....
the mental health of legal professionals is a growing concern. These concerns were first raised in the 1990s and 2000s in theUnited StatesandAustralia. In the UK, there is growing literature on theissue, but many of the issues are longstanding. ...
The Mindful Business Charter (MBC)has issued comprehensive Best Practice Guidelines aimed at addressing mental health challenges within the legal profession. The guidelines were developed by a working group of senior leaders in the profession, supported by academics and mental healt...
Jones, G. (2007), Ethical and Legal Issues of the Mental Health Professionals: A Comprehensive Handbook for Mental Health Professionals, Edited by Stephen F. Bucky, Joanne Calan and George Stricker. The Haworth Maltreatment and Trauma Press. New York, London, Victoria (AU), ISBN-13: 978-0-...
Additionally, the stress of managing caseloads, deadlines, and client expectations can weigh heavily on a lawyer’s mental health. Emotional exhaustion is a common issue among lawyers, and without time to decompress, the stress can build up. The need to constantly stay sharp, make critical ...
When mental health professionals open a private practice or develop a new agency, one of the most exciting decisions is choosing a name for their new entity. Ideally, titles for mental health organizations should be clear, succinct, accurate, memorable, and professional. They...
Drug addictions usually have the mental, physical, and psychological effect in the body of the so-called drug addict.Most of the drug addicts do not have time to take care of their hygiene and to invest in issues that are beneficial to their health. Many people have abandoned their dreams ...
efficiency and high-quality justice. Meanwhile, in virtue of the unique establishment mode, system development of specialized courts embodies the pursuit of a unified legal system and the authority of these courts reflects ce...
Return to Work Mandates Among Current Mental Health Stressors for Legal Professionals Cedra Mayfield and Patrick Smith|February 07, 2025 In this week's Legal Speak episode, Stacey Dougan, an Atlanta-based lawyer-turned-therapist, expounds on the current state of mental health in the legal profess...