The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a globally-standardised and unique identifier for financial market participants. The financial crisis demonstrated the difficulty of identifying complex company networks, financial instruments, and counterparties for banks and regulators. The global LEI system provides a...
LEGAL ENTITY IDENTIFIERS What is a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)? Alegal entity identifier(LEI) is a unique 20-digit alphanumeric code used to identify the entities in a financial transaction. Your global LEI is publicly-available information about your company that becomes part of a global dire...
As the world’s largest accredited Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) Issuer, Ubisecure makes it easy to register, manage and use verified organisation identity to meet regulation and enable trusted business relationships. Our unique position as an Organisation ID Provider with a wide range of Identity ...
June 22, 2023 Legal Entity Identifier for Emerging Markets and Driving Greater Inclusion – Q&A with FinClusive Founder & CEO, Amit Sharma Read More April 21, 2023 The Importance of LEI in Global Trade and Supply Chains Read More April 17, 2023 Without Verified Digital Identities, Sustainabil...
The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) initiative is designed to create a global reference data system that uniquely identifies every legal entity or structure, in any jurisdiction, that is party to a financial transaction. Endorsed by the G20, the establishment of a Global LEI System (GLEIS) is ...
We provide solutions surrounding legal entity identifiers (LEIs), which are used to identify legal entities participating in financial transactions. Required by regulatory regimes across the world, we offer cost-effective solutions with discounts available for bulk businesses for financial services. ...
NordLEI is the largest official LEI number & LEI code registration agent in the Nordics. Register Legal Entity Identifier in 5 minutes.
An official Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) number Registration Agent. Receive your LEI number in just a few hours.
Official Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) number Registration Agent in the United States. Receive your LEI number in just a few hours.
Elevate client experience with trusted Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) management solutions, used worldwide by financial institutions for precise LEI handling.