BAN – EPA’s “Responsible Recycling” Standards Won’t Stop e-Waste Dumping. <> (accessed 12.08.10). Google Scholar Basel Action Network v. International Association of Electronics Recyclers, 2010 Basel Action Network v. International Association of ...
Erin Brockovich (Julia Roberts), a down-and-out paralegal whose sleuthing led to a class action against a toxic waste-dumping corporation in the movie of the same name, checked in at #31. At #28 we have Juror #8 (Henry Fonda) from 12 Angry Men, the lone juror who refused to vote...
Baraka was especially proud when he found a job as a firefighter and had no complaints when he served at Station 1 at 5th and Folsom Streets, until 1999 then was transferred to Station 18 for three years. At Station 18, at 1935 Orgega Avenue, he experienced some harassment for being gay...
“Say you could file a lawsuit — what could we really get that would prevent this from happening? I think it’s so complex of an issue,” Favors told The Hill. “To me, especially my grandma, there’s really no financial amount that could compensate me for this, so I just don’t ...
their anti-dumping investigations against Chinese products. That comes with an increase in work not just with defending these companies against these investigations but in helping them plan for those investigations and for a new reality where they will be facing this kind of scrutiny that ...
Aquatic products fulfill the protein needs of people and play an important role in food safety. And aquaculture is prized for its high productivity, sustainability and environmental friendliness. Considering the importance of aquaculture, the legal risks