Definition of occupation in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is occupation? Meaning of occupation as a legal term. What does occupation mean in law?
occupy the field Ochlocracy O'Connor, Sandra Day O'Conor, Charles Odhall right odometer tampering of character Of Counsel Of Course Of louisiana Of Record OFCOM off calendar offence offences triable either way offender Offense offensive weapon ...
The meaning of LEGAL CAPACITY is the capability and power under law of a person to occupy a particular status or relationship with another or to engage in a particular undertaking or transaction. How to use legal capacity in a sentence.
Tenancy in common.The occupants own the entire project collectively as tenants in common. Each tenant is given the right to occupy exclusively a specifically designated unit. ATenancy in Commondiffers from a joint tenancy in that each tenant owns an undivided portion; however, the portions are no...
‘it is the study and improvement of forms of cooperation in changing socioeconomic structures’. I had just spent ten years in Britishindustryand could sense immediately what he meant. Since then, that guiding definition has grown into a theory that explains how forms of cooperation evolve ...
they share equally in the estate. For example, consider a mother who has two daughters, her only living relations, and dies intestate, leaving an estate of $100,000. Since the two daughters occupy the same proximity of blood relationship to their mother, they share her estate equally, each...
: privity between parties (as a manufacturer and retailer) who occupy adjoining levels in a system of product distribution Browse Nearby Words vertical price-fixing vertical privity vertical restraint See all Nearby Words Cite this Entry Style “Vertical privity.” Legal Dict...
Cooperative Apartment A dwelling unit in a multi-dwelling building owned or leased by a Cooperative, which unit the Mortgagor has an exclusive right to occupy pursuant to the terms of a proprietary lease or occupancy agreement. Interior lot means a lot other than a corner lot. Mobile home park...
For example, the state of New York grants adverse possession rights to squatters if they occupy a property for 30 days, they gain the legal right to remain on the property as a tenant of the owner even though they never signed aleaseagreement. The trespasser might break into an unoccupied ...
The occupation must be hostile and adverse to the interests of the true owner, and take place without their consent. The person seeking adverse possession must occupy a property in a manner that is open, notorious, and obvious. Possession of the property must continue for the state's predeterm...