The policy behind the implied warranty of merchantability is basic: sellers are generally better suited than buyers to determine whether a product will perform properly. Holding the seller liable for a product that is not fit for its ordinary purpose shifts the costs of nonperformance from the buy...
The rights of inheritance in the property of the husband or wife are not to be denied the surviving spouse unless the purpose to exclude him or her is expressed or can be clearly inferred. A Property Settlement agreement conditioned upon a Divorce cannot bar a spouse's statutory share in ...
aThere's the obvious aspect to whether it's fit for purpose, but there's also been a succession of legal actions, involving allegations and sometimes admissions of misconduct. 有明显的方面它是否为目的适合,但也有诉讼连续,介入不端行为指控和有时入场。[translate]...
Bussey, Katrine
Analysis of the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice on the Legal Protec... (2007),`Fit for Purpose or Faulty Design? Analysis of the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice on the... A Van ...
In some cases the purpose of a sale may be frustrated by circumstances beyond the control of both buyer and seller. For example, assume that a party agrees to buy one thousand T-shirts in anticipation of a local rock concert. If the concert is cancelled after the sales contract is made,...
If you are passionate about helping people, then a career as an injury lawyer may be the perfect fit for you. When you become an injury lawyer, you will have the opportunity to help your clients get the compensation they deserve. You will also be able to fight for your client’s rights...
One improper exercise of executive discretion that is almost always reversed by reviewing courts isImpoundment, whereby a president places in reserve a sum of money appropriated by Congress for a particular purpose, effectively blocking that appropriation. Courts have routinely held that the president ...
Definition The color transformation is a linear operation taking as input the triplet Rin, Gin, Bin for an RGB color pixel. This triplet is multiplied by a 3x3 matrix.This color transformation allows to change the coefficients of the 3x3 matrix. Rout Gain00 Gain01 Gain02 Rin Gout = Gain10...
field of public procurement in Romania, based on the 2014 EU Directives, is effective in fostering resilience of the public institutions and indirectly of communities, and to provide a fit-for-purpose mechanism for dealing with the pandemic generated by the new type of coronavirus, Sars-CoV-2....