The detailed results of the in-domain extractive summarization tasks on the original Australian Legal Case Reports dataset are shown in Table3. As expected, the ROUGE scores obtained in the experiments with 1000 legal case reports are the highest. These ROUGE scores outperform, on average, the on...
We investigate the performance of 56 different methodologies for computing textual similarity across court case statements when applied on a dataset of Indian Supreme Court Cases. Among the 56 different methods, thirty are adaptations of existing methods and twenty-six are our proposed methods. The ...
Search High Court records with advanced filters, or search Workplace Relations complete dataset, as well you can search in Circuit Court and supreme court or any of our sources. If there’s a public source you routinely access that you think should be included in our coverage, we offer bespo...
Pseudonymization is a method that replaces or removes information in the dataset that identifies an individual but permits a data controller or third party to reidentify the personal data with reasonable effort. It is important to be aware that unlike anonymization, pseudonymization does not remove a...
permits a data controller or third party to reidentify the personal data with reasonable effort. It is important to be aware that unlike anonymization, pseudonymization does not remove all identifying information from the data but reduces the linkability of a dataset with the identity of an ...
Patient AutonomyCase of Ms. V Due to religious practices, the patient and her family did not consent to a blood transfusion. Medical practitioners proceeded with the transfusion in order to save her life. Courts ruled that the doctors had infringed on her autonomy, and though this simple proced...
Dataset The Dataset consists of3464legal cases in a variety of fields, the key features of the dataset are thefirst_party,second_party,winner_index, andfacts. here is a quick look at the dataset structure: columndatatypedescription IDint64Defines the case ID ...
The dataset the AI uses must be built out of high-quality information. This is crucial for the AI to be able to process your requests and provide you with predictions. Usability The tool’s interface must be user-friendly and allow quick access to options. Having the menus designed properly...
Seven content licensing companies form Dataset Providers Alliance, aim to ensure Ethical AI Content Licensing Support our journalism: For You Sign up for our Daily Newsletterto receive regular updates Stay informed about MediaNama events Have something to tell us? Leave anAnonymous Tip ...
UK: UK Law Reports & Case Law Search US Statutory Law Interpretation Data Set US Caselaw Sentence Boundary Detection Dataset US Caselaw Functional and Issue Specific Segmentation Dataset US Caselaw Sentence Polarity Detection US Caselaw Access Project US Supreme Court Database US House of Representat...