Assembly Neos Celebrates its 7th Straight G2 Leader Recognition in Legal Case Management and Earns Other TopRankingsassembly-arrow Assembly Neos earns #1 leader spot for legal case management in the G2 Winter 2025 Momentum Grid Report. See All Blogs ...
which must be followed. The general rule is that the prescriptions of a statute relating to the performance of a public duty are so far directory that, though neglect of them may be punishable, it does not affect the validity of the acts done under them, as in the case of a statute re...
Advised Telenav Software SRL on a collective redundancy procedure following a business decision of the group to close the Romanian entity within 2 years, resulting in the termination of 172 employees. Advised Steelcase SRL on the process of negotiating and concluding a new collective bargaining agreem...
The former hinges on the potential of software agents being considered legal persons in the eyes of the legislation. She received the court case, but she had to pay an infinite amount in legal fees. The United Nations and UNICEF disclaim any liability or responsibility arising from the use of...
Google’s plans are a bit more nebulous, since it’s a bit more difficult to see tangible results from things like search rankings, but it seems here, too, the European Commission has its worries about compliance. The European Commission intends to complete its investigations within a year, ...
Pyckio reserves the right to amend or modify this Privacy Policy in order to adapt it to new legislation or case-law. You will be given a reasonable advanced notice of these changes before its implementation. Once these changes have been announced, the use of our Service will imply its accep...
Market-leading analysis, rankings and editorial commentary - see the top law firms & lawyers in Intellectual property in Romania
recommendations and rankings are opinions of either you or third party, which may or may not be accurate. does not assure quality, accuracy, and reliability of any content/ranking on the services. You may be exposed to content which is offensive/objectionable. Upon placing reque...
Posted on July 1, 2024Author National Law ForumCategories law firm, Law Office Management, lawyers, Legal Business Development, Legal Marketing, Legal Networking, Legal News, Legal SelectionTags business, Chambers & Partners, Chambers and Partners, Chambers awards, Chambers rankings, government, law ...
Financial backer of landmark case complains £200mn deal ‘too low’, as other large companies face wave of claims Previous pageYou are on page1Next page Topics related to Consulting/business services Accounting & Consulting services Management consulting ...