8.4. In the event of exclusion from TOURLINA, all free and purchased credits and premium services expire without replacement. In the case of suspension, entitlement to use the premium functions is not extended by the period of suspension. These services also expire without replacement. 8.5. TOUR...
but with no guarantee they will get any specific amount of work. They are very common (and controversial) in the UK. The term was used quite a lot in relation to the Dunnes Stores dispute, but under Irish law, employees must be paid for at least 25% of the hours they are required t...
a range of services which is sufficient to assist carers to continue to provide care or to do so more effectively.’ This is a key duty in relation to the provision ofshort breaks.
As your pregnancy progresses your employer is also obliged to keep things under review and to make any further adjustments that are needed. Rest at work As you are pregnant you are entitled to more frequent breaks and your employer has a legal obligat...