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To be engaged in the legal aid is the out of class educational form of legal clinic. 从事法律援助是法律诊所课堂外的教学形式。 www.dictall.com 4. You pay for the services of solicitors and advocates but you may be entitled to help with paying through the Legal Aid system. 公民可以付钱请...
摘要: Legal aid : how to make the best use of it : a guide for solicitors to the law and practice of the legal aid and advice schemes (Social law & practice guides, no. 2) Legal Action Group, [1976]出版时间: 1976 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 ...
Robert Verkaik Legal Affairs Correspondent
In addition, the division between barristers and solicitors ultimately became much more rigid in England than did the division between the advocate and procurator on the Continent, which never adopted an equivalent of the English practice of requiring a barrister to be employed by a solicitor; both...
Legal Aid is only likely to be available for the most serious of road traffic cases. However, for many road traffic matters we will be able to offer a fixed fee for advice and representation at Court. The level of fee will depend on the number of hearing that are likely to be needed ...
Threat to future of legal advice JUSTICE SYSTEM: Fears solicitors could go under with aid shake-upJon Griffin
Today, The Law Society welcomed the changes to the domestic violence evidence requirements guidance, but claimed that they do not go far enough. They are calling for solicitors to be given the power to certify that an individual is a victim of domestic abuse during the crisis. The Law Society...
legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk [...] to provide the Director of Legal Aid with the discretion to exempt employees from the means testforreceiving legal aid. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 其實,在2000年,工 聯會曾提出一項私人法案,希望修訂《法律援助條例》,賦予法援署署 長酌情權,可豁免僱員接受經濟審查...
Rankings Countries and trading blocs covered by the Legal 500. MoreMore Country Comparative Guides The world’s leading lawyers providing essential practice guidance around laws and regulations in key jurisdictions. MoreMore In-House Latest news and thought leadership from law firms around the world. ...