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Like Mwansa, many rural women have benefited from the free legal aid services offered by Mansa District Women Association paralegal officers found at legal advice desks located in Mansa's poorer communities. Aside from offering free basic legal information on a wide range of issues, the said paral...
Free legal aid clinic services - A boon for caregivers of persons with mental illnessRamasubramanian, CKannan, MRamu, MJanardhan Babu, K S PRajkumari, R
Legal Aid,翻译为“法律援助”,则为司法行政部门的法律援助,指律师等法律援助工作人员接受经济困难的人的申请为其提供免费诉讼代理,或是受法院指派为特殊案件的当事人免费提供法律帮助、提供辩护的一种法律制度。Legal Aid Services Council 法律援助服务委员会 Legal Aid Society 法律援助协会 legal aid system 法律...
China has further enhanced its legal aid services for victims of abuse and abandonment while improving the mechanisms to ensure residents inremote areas receive timely help, officials said. As a system, legal aid provides free l...
(redirected fromLegal services) Medical Legal Encyclopedia Related to Legal services:Legal Services Corporation legal aid n. Legal assistance provided, as by a specially established organization, for those unable to afford an attorney. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Editio...
Legal Services India creates a platform for free legal services, Supreme court Judgments, case laws, legal articles and lawyers in India. Stay informed with legal updates and expert insights.
Founded in 1997, FreeLegalAid aims at creating a website focused on giving free legal information to the public. Over the years, FreeLegalAid has grown into a robust resource, providing legal articles, plain English explanation on common legal topics (like divorce), sample legal forms, and ca...
China has further enhanced its legal aid services for victims of abuse and abandonment while improving the mechanisms to ensure residents in remote areas receive timely help, officials said. As a system, legal aid provides free legal advice, representation and criminal defense services to economically...