Community legal clinics have been in existence in Ontario for a decade. By employing a modified version of the questionnaire used in a similar English study in 1975, Professor Zemans has obtained a comprehensive data survey of all the community based clinics funded by the Ontario Legal Aid Plan...
In their work for the school’s various legal clinics, students are making a “direct and significant impact” on the most demanding current legal issues, such as climate change, AI, social inequality, and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, said Boon. ...
Contesting Professionalism: Legal Aid and Nonlawyers in England and Wales Critical Characteristics of Community Legal Aid Clinics in Ontario, The ‘I’ve lost the plot’: an everyday story of legal aid lawyers Reflection on the Specification of the Legislation on Legal Aid ...
Roy McMurtry Legal Clinic is a non-profit corporation offering legal advice, services, and representation to low income persons in Cornwall and the surrounding areas. Opening Doors to Ontario's Justice System.
Elder Abuse: The Hidden Crime (2013)by Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) Legal Tree, “Free legal advice organizations in Ontario” Legal Aid Ontario“gives low-income people access to a range of services tailored to meet their needs.” ...
create Korean-language legal literature and get more data on the legal needs of the Korean-Canadian community. While many cultural community clinics work with Legal Aid Ontario, Park says there are no plans for that yet, given the recent budget cuts to legal aid from the provincial government....
in the province's community legal clinic system. Anecdotal evidence indicates that the program, which has completed in-depth site visits at over one-third of the province's 70 community clinics, has had a beneficial effect on individual clinics and the clinic system as a whole in Ontario. The...
doi:10.1016/0735-1933(90)90096-3Lenny AbramowiczDenki Shikensho Iho Changed to Denshi Gijutsu Sogo Kenkyusho IhoL Abramowicz, `The Critical Characteristics of Community Legal Aid Clinics in Ontario', 2004, 19 Journal of Law and Social Policy, 70....
This study was designed to examine the provision of public legal education in Ontario community legal clinics in order to identify the objectives, role and importance of education in the clinics' delivery of legal services. Using the qualitative research methods of semi-structured interviews and ...
about how legal services are delivered across Ontario. The survey reached out to people who received support from NSRLP or called PBO’s hotline for assistance – last year, the hotline handled 30,000 calls. It also included input from 15 clinics and agencies that provide...