child support. 1. A parent’s legal obligation to contribute to the economic maintenance and education of children. 2. In a custody or divorce action, the money paid by one parent to the other for the expenses incurred for children of the marriage. Cf. ALIMONY. choice of law. In conflict...
In Louisiana, a license must be obtained from the parish judge of the parish in which at least one of the parties resides, and the marriage must be celebrated before a priest or minister of a religious sect or an authorized justice of the peace; it must be celebrated in the presence of...
What does OSHA say about fire safety, toxic waste, and first aid kits in the workplace? What does OSHA say about workplace temperature, lighting, and noise levels? What is the Right to Know Law? What are Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)? What are the inspection laws with regard to ...
What does OSHA say about fire safety, toxic waste, and first aid kits in the workplace? What does OSHA say about workplace temperature, lighting, and noise levels? What is the Right to Know Law? What are Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)? What are the inspection laws with regard to ...
17. By the Civil Code of Louisiana, legacies are divided into universal legacies, legacies under an universal title, and particular legacies. 1. An universal legacy is a testamentary disposition, by which the testator gives to one or several persons the whole of the property which he leaves;...
Legal Nurse Consultants, Nursing Entrepreneurs resource for practicing nurses consultants and other nurses (LVN/LPN, RN, BSN, MSN, LNC, RNC, Ph.Ds, etc. interested in becoming entrepreneurs. On it you will find links to small and large business related r
Justices made clear that they were not announcing a principle simply for boys in custody, but one which applied equally to any defendant: "The Fourteenth Amendment prohibits the police from using the private, secret custody of either man or child as a device for wringing confessions from them....
because this would make criminals out of average folks who have remnants of their education left in their homes.The only restrictions are on a state by state basis. Louisiana, Georgia, and Tennessee are the only states to have restrictions.So yes, it is completely legal to buy human bones ...
The court described the shotgun-trap as follows: “After Mr. Briney cleaned and oiled his 20-gauge shotgun, the power of which he was well aware, defendants took it to the old house where they secured it to an iron bed with the barrel pointed at the bedroom door. It wasrigged with ...
After Louisiana required evolution and creationism be taught side by side, Don Aguillard sued the governor. In a 7-2 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that the law amounted to an unconstitutional infringement of the First Amendment. The decision was based on the three-prong Lemon test, which ...