Legal aid 的中文意思为“法律援助”,是指由政府设立的法律援助机构或者非政府设立的合法律所组织法律援助的律师,为经济困难或特殊案件的人尤其是农村给予无偿提供法律服务的一项法律保障制度。特殊案件是指依照《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》第三十五条第二款、第三款的规定,犯罪嫌疑人、被告人是盲、聋、哑人,或者是...
Reports on a directive which expands legal aid in Europe. Accessibility of justice for litigants in cross-border civil and commercial disputes; Provision of financial support to citizens who cannot afford legal advice; Coverage of the directive.NuthallKeithLawyer...
15.The Research of the Legal Aid in the Social Governing: Difficuity and Settlement;社会治理中法律援助的困境与对策研究 16.Study on the Scope of Criminal Legal Aid in Central Eastern Europe Country;中东欧转型国家刑事法律援助对象研究 17.Legal Aid for Weak Colony in Constructing Harmonious Society;...
Advising Uniper on the federal rescue package worth more than €30 billion in state support via equity measures as well as advising on all state aid and public law aspects of the stabilisation and rescue package, which was coordinated and negotiated with majority shareholder Fortum and the Federal...
Kinstellar acts as trusted legal counsel to leading investors across Emerging Europe and Central Asia. Our reputation for quality, excellence and integrity speaks for itself. With offices in eleven jurisdictions and over 300 local and international lawyers, we deliver consistent, joined-up legal advice...
10 个问答 · 3 关注
Civil Law Systems:Found primarily in Europe and parts of Latin America, these systems are based on comprehensive statutes and codes. Judges play a more passive role, mainly interpreting and applying the law as written. Common Law Systems:Common in the United States, the United Kingdom, and oth...
Kinstellar acts as trusted legal counsel to leading investors across Emerging Europe and Central Asia. Our reputation for quality, excellence and integrity speaks for itself. With offices in eleven jurisdictions and over 300 local and international lawyers, w...
European passports enjoy effortless visa-free travel, allowing you to visit up to 150 countries. Whether you need to find an easy way of getting greener pastures, academic opportunities, and leisure, you should consider being a citizen by investment in the Caribbean or in any of Europe’s ...
Kinstellar acts as trusted legal counsel to leading investors across Emerging Europe and Central Asia. Our reputation for quality, excellence and integrity speaks for itself. With offices in eleven jurisdictions and over 300 local and international lawyers, we deliver consistent...