If you're looking for 'Lawyers Near Me' across Aberdeen and surrounding areas, look no further. DJP Solicitors are here to give you effective legal advice and support throughout your case. To learn more about our legal services,contactour team today ...
As if the solution to all our problems was ensuring we don’t appoint any more of these woke judges from Parnell, Herne Bay and Thorndon, instead of prosaic-but-difficult things like increasing legal aid funding, more court staff, and getting the Environment Court to stop using Cambria. Over...
‘Solicitors face an 8.75% cut to litigators fees. In support of solicitors, do you wish to go back to ‘no returns’ and also refuse all new work with a representation order dated from 1st July 2015 until such time as solicitors decide not to take further action in respect of that cut?
To aid newcomers to this website, absentjustice, I have highlighted twelve significant findings from the government's investigation see (AUSTEL’s Adverse Findings, which are marked in red below. These findings were derived from the Telstra Portland/Cape Bridgewater telephone exchange logbook, which...