one inmate would cost the taxpayer only slightly more than $1 million—less than a third of what it would take to pay for the process that culminates in execution. A twenty-five-year-old woman convicted of first-degree murder would need to serve a life term to the age of 145 before ...
She started smoking at an early age because she thought it was the cool and grown-up thing to do and soon found that she could not stop the habit. Cipollone developed lung cancer, requiring the removal of her right lung. She died before her case went to trial, but her husband pursued ...
The highest court in South Africa ruled in September 2018 that is legal for adult citizens over the age of 18 to use, possess, and cultivate cannabis, as long as everything is private and the cannabis is used for personal consumption. As of yet, there are no clear rules about what count...
Karen Ann at the age of 21 became unconscious as a result of consumption of valium and alcohol from a party. Consequently, she stopped breathing for two intervals of 15 minutes which resulted in severe brain damage. She remained in coma and was later diagnosed as being in a Persistent ...
Cashin' In on Profit Dispensaries in Alaska are allowed to sell marijuana for recreational use to adults over the age of 21. Cannabis sales are taxed, so Alaska gets to enjoy the profits and put the money back into the community.
Louisiana lawmakers have been inching closer to legalizing cannabis for years. As noted, people don't face a very stiff penalty for just having it in specified amounts. Additionally, marijuana for medicinal use is legal with a doctor's prescription. The rub with the medical marijuana law is ...
In both the United States of America and the European Union, Member States are encouraged to prevent young people from starting to smoke by forbidding selling tobacco products to people under a certain age. By contrast, there are in general no legal minimum age requirements for consuming those ...
She can call for the downfall of our government and for the creation of a new communist state where you get elected based on how many underage prostitutes you bang while smoking crack with Hunter Biden and Maxine Waters. Because that is what being an American means. You get to “...
A week ago, the Caiifomia Assembly approved the measure, which--in addition to raising the age limit--treats electronic cigarettes the same as tobacco products, expands smoke-free areas, in-creases smoking bans and allows counties to collect higher taxes on cigarettes than the 87-cent per ...
Pinedo testified that, although she lied about her age to Naked Harem staffers, she was only 15-years-old when she began dancing at the club. To make matters worse, Ms. Pinedo contradicted the testimony of one of Ms. Woodall's managers who said Ms. Pinedo showed a birth certificate as...