sources, including gold mining, trade in gold, salt, and other commodities, as well as control over key trade routes across the Sahara Desert. The empire’s control over the trans-Saharan trade routes, especially those linking West Africa with the Mediterranean world, was crucial to its ...
Before this influx, the area that would become Little Havana was divided by Southwest Eighth Street, with the northern part known as Riverside and the southern as Shenandoah. Initially a largely Jewish neighborhood, the area saw its original residents move farther west and north as the new Cuban...
of centuries Rome grew from a small town on the Tiber River in central Italy into a vast empire that ultimately embraced England, all of continental Europe west of the Rhine and south of the Danube, most of Asia west of the Euphrates, northern Africa, and the islands of the Mediterranean....
and daily offerings. ThePax Romanaencouraged a great deal more thancommercein material objects. It made inevitable theexchangeof ideas in a more richly woven and complex fabric than the Mediterranean world had ever seen, in which the Phrygian Cybele was at home also inGauland the ItalianSilvanus...
Missionary travels of St. Paul in the eastern Mediterranean The church spread with astonishing rapidity. Already in the Acts of the Apostles its movement from one headquarters to another can be traced:Jerusalem,Damascus, andAntioch; the missions ofSt. PaultoAsia Minor(Tarsus,Iconium,Ephesus, andCy...
they managed among them to extend Frankish rule over Thuringia in approximately 531 and Burgundy in 534 and to gainswayover, if not possession of,Septimaniaon the Mediterranean coast, Bavaria, and the lands of the Saxons to the north. By 558 Chlotar I was the last surviving son of Clovis...
The common Latin language, the coinage, the “international” army of the Roman legions, the urban network, the law, and the Greco-Roman heritage of civic culture loomed largest among those bonds that Augustus and his successors hoped would bring unity and peace to a Mediterranean world ...