Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II ROM Download Rating: File Name: 1085 - Dragon Ball Z - The Legacy of Goku II (U)(TrashMan).zip Size: 6.23MB Console GBA Category: Role-Playing Region: Japanese Release Year: 2004 Downloads: 7230 Download Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of...
峡谷(Canyon),悟空的房子_卧室_(Goku's House _Bedroom_),悟空的房子_客厅_(Goku's House _Living Room_),龟仙人& 海龟(Master Roshi & Turtle),田北俊& 天津(Tien & Chiaotzu),乐平& 普尔(Yamcha & Puar),未来悟饭(Future Gohan),未来的树干(Future Trunks)
The Legacy of Goku II follows the style of the RPG genre, and organizes the storyline a bit rigid. You will take the role of one from the five heroes: Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo, and finally is Hecurle, to explore all over 15 different locations on the world map. If you’ve ev...
Murray Kraft: We think everyone who worked on the first Legacy of Goku would agree that if we could do it over, there are things we would have done differently. We are confident the benefits of that learning experience will come through in the sequel. Dana Dominiak: The great news is ...
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku I & II First ReleasedDec 8, 2005 Game Boy Advance This game contains the Legacy of Goku I & II on a single cart. Developed by: Webfoot Technologies Published by: Atari SA Genre(s): Compilation ...
DB Z Legacy of Goku II (emulator)最新版截图 # DB Z Legacy of Goku II (emulator)最新版 - Supports all GBA ROMs.- Multiplayer support through bluetooth, wifi.- Support Save, state of charge.If you want to play, you can search for the GBA file in the web browser.This emulator ...
龙珠Z : 遗留下来的小悟空二 - 成套2d素材(国外) 搜索 原文: Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II 作者: XPLOman 文件总数: 31 张 下载:51人 压缩包 (31张,1.4M) 浏览压缩包 分享 收藏 举报 专辑分类: 2000年后(PSP,GBA,DS) : 任天堂 Game Boy Advance(GBA) 背景 21725869 人物 21725...
It belongs to this account of the application. Our application is just an emulator. 分类: 休闲益智休闲 豌豆荚APP | 版本: | 更新时间:2024-07-24 | 权限详情 | 隐私政策 同类推荐 Mod Saiyan DB-Z 2018 for MCPE 0人预约 九游预约 Goku Saiyan Super Fighting Warrior Battle Z 0人预约 ...