java.lang.Object public final class LegacyUsageDetail extends UsageDetailInnerLegacy usage detail....
java.lang.Object final class LegacyReservation...
Methods inherited from java.lang.Object Constructor Details LegacyUsageDetail public LegacyUsageDetail() Creates an instance of LegacyUsageDetail class. Method Details accountName public String accountName() Get the accountName property: Account Name. ...
The reason for requiring a version 6 of the JDK is that, while some newer versions of JDK have support for compiling to older versios of Java it is not enough to just define thesourceand thetargetarguments to1.6. In addition abootstrapclasspathargument needs to be defined (and pointed to...
All the connectors rely on the Java serialization package to transmit data as Java objects between client and server components. Therefore, all objects needed in the exchange of management requests and responses must be instances of a serializable class. However, the data encoding and sequencing are...
java.lang.Object public final class LegacyUsageDetail extends UsageDetailInnerLegacy usage detail....
Givne this trivial build: ./build.gradle.kts plugins { java id("org.openjfx.javafxplugin") version "0.1.0" id("com.github.ben-manes.versions") version "0.51.0" } repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { implementation("org.openjfx:...
The sole intention of LegacyLibrary is to represent a library as used in pre 10.1.3 releases such taht the data may be read by the migration mechanics for conversion to the 10.1.3 format. This class should not be relied upon for any other purpose....
Since annotations were added to the Java language, many frameworks have moved to using annotated Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) in their newest releases. Legacy applications are thus forced to undergo extensive restructuring in order to migrate from old framework versions to new versions based on ...
↑[1] ↑[2] ↑[3] ↑Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition USK Rating ↑Minecraft: Xbox One Edition GSRR Rating ↑Minecraft: PlayStation 4 Edition GSRR Rating ↑ ↑"Everything Announced at MINECON Earth!"–, November...