Liberal自由派,白”左”:1-4-2人文主义 追求多元身份认同,身份政治,多元文化主义者,提倡包容的、多元的、相互尊重的社会。是虚伪的左翼,因为他实际上不打算冲击global capitalism的,他们是维护既定的global capitalism秩序的前提下,自以为冲击一个秩序,实际想拓宽身份认同identity/身份政治的谱系。当有一个族群跳出来要...
I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in my personal popularity, let alone in kowtowing to the “conventional wisdom”, “popular opinion” or “well known facts” on any particular topic as expressed by all of the “experts” of the popular media or of the liberal intelligentsia; I speak...
On The Liberal Patriot of course! "Here is the uncomfortable fact Democrats need to face: whatever the outcome of the 2022 election, Democrats’ uncompetitiveness among white working class voters and among voters in exurban, small town and rural America puts them at a massive disadvantage given...
Readhere.(h/t Tom Nelson)The green left/liberal/progressive bias of the mainstream press is certainly amazing, blatant and astoundingly bad. The MSM, led by the Times, will stoop sooo low that they even will praise dictatorial tyrants because a family member says the politically correct words ...
Liberal: “willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one’s own; open to new ideas”, I am an anarchist-socialist with liberal thinking. I am a far-leftist, I am not pro-patriotism, nor anti-patriotism if limited to that which is actually positive, but am actively...