The second definition given for “man” will be humankind, mankind, all human beings; I’m not making this up. This has been in your dictionary for a very long time. If many people have been “taught” otherwise then those people have been taught improperly, they stand in need of ...
They are characterized in most circles as “a decentralized, leaderless movement composed of loose collections of groups, networks and individuals” (ADL definition) which is a total lie, even though almost every search shows that is what is claimed. Both empirical and anecdotal evidence shows ...
However,despite theexperienceof theShoah,thereisastrongtendencytodenythe very existenceofcontemporary hostility againstJews in the Germanso-ciety.¹Thisgoes alongwiththedelegitimizationof theIHRAWorkingDefinitionthatincludes all contemporarymanifestationsof antisemitism,amongthemformsof anti-Israelismandanti-...
political cultures’ regeneration through “martial arts and combat sports” (MACS) [10], which can be treated as forms of “physical culture”, namely “cultural practices […] within which the moving physical body is central”, according to Hargreaves and Vertinsky’s definition [11] (p. 1...
So to learn which definition a word has in your political direction, you should look into resources a party you agree with provides. 2 Summarize your positions. It is possible that someone you're talking to has never really noticed your political direction, or has a completely different idea...