Google Share on Facebook left upper quadrant Acronyms Physical exam The region of the body containing the stomach, spleen and tail of pancreas McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ...
Kevin T. BehmDivision of Colon and Rectal Surgery Mayo Clinic Rochester MN USAFabian GrassDivision of Colon and Rectal Surgery Mayo Clinic Rochester MN USAMohamed A. Abd El AzizDivision of Colon and Rectal Surgery Mayo Clinic Rochester MN USAScott R. Kelley...
The left-sided PDHs (LPDHs) are more common than the right-sided and are common in male patients at the 4th and 6th years of life. LPDH is been often clinically asymptomatic and often detected by chance in surgical patients. Abdominal computed tomography is the gold standard in diagnosis. ...
PO-0629 IMRTAND REGIONAL NODAL IRRADIATION IN LEFT SIDED BREAST CANCER PATIENTS CAN SPARE MORE NORMAL TISSUEThis experiment was conducted to study the influence of different sources and rates of some organic manure on growth and heavy metals concentration in spinach plants grown on two different ...
PO-0629 IMRTAND REGIONAL NODAL IRRADIATION IN LEFT SIDED BREAST CANCER PATIENTS CAN SPARE MORE NORMAL TISSUESdoi:10.1016/s0167-8140(12)70962-3K. ThabetM. Abd El-MoezM. EL-HaddadM. SayedN. El-SherbinyA. El-KashefS. El-MesidyElsevier BVRadiotherapy & Oncology...