The left side of a face either contains more cues mediating individual recognition or, more likely, evokes more efficient central processing than does the right side.doi:10.3758/BF03330084Kennedy, DarleneBeard, DeniseCarr, W. J.Springer-VerlagBulletin of the Psychonomic Society...
al want someone who's afraid of loing me l想要害怕loing我的人[translate] a忘你好难 hello, forget it;[translate] aI'm afraid that you get into trouble 我担心你惹麻烦[translate] a左边不要脸右边二皮脸 Right side left side is not concerned about face impudent[translate]...
left 2 of 2 verbpast tense of leave 1as in abandonedto cause to remain behind you can leave your lunch in the refrigerator while we're outside starry-eyed lovers who promise never to leave one another Synonyms & Similar Words abandoned stranded deserted quitted dumped quit ...
480. talk out of both sides of his mouth: 言不由衷 481. to cave into someone: 五体投地/顶礼膜拜 482. to get doors slammed in his face: 惨遭打脸 483. to go heaven and earth to do: 竭尽/拼尽全力 484. be left to its own devices: 顺其自然/不加干预 485. knock one out of the ...
About 90% of people are right-handed, while 10% are left-handed. "Some of the theories think it's because of the way our brains are wired," Dr. Nancy Segal said. Segal says lefties often have a more dominant right side of their brain while righties have a more dominant left side of...
Left and Right in Leonardo's Drawings of Faces Previous research has disclosed a relationship between the side of the face depicted by a painter and the nature of the person portrayed. For example, the left side of the face is more likely to be drawn if the sitter is female, while th....
That part of surrounding space toward which the left side of one’s body is turned; as, the house is on the left when you face North. Those members of a legislative assembly (as in France) who are in the opposition; the advanced republicans and extreme radicals. They have their seats ...
the side of the body that in most people has the less skilful hand (the side of a person or thing which is toward the west when that person or thing is facing north-opposite toright).She wore an engagement ring on her left hand;They drive on the left side of the road in Britain....
The face towards right lies on one's side.The both legs extend forward, constitutes the L shape with the body (or as far as possible close).The right arm pillow under, the both legs folds puts, instep easement.The left hand supports in the place, auxiliary balance.Upwardly lifts gently ...
Photographs of facial composites, half the face smiling and the other half not smiling, were tachistoscopically presented to right-handed and left-handed subjects. Both handedness groups perceived faces as happier when it was the left side of the poser's face that was smiling, and this held...