I have met folks who were bit by a tick that stayed on only 1-2 hours and got Lyme, despite the experts saying you need at least 24 hours. I had the tick on for less than 12 hours and burned it off. A big no-no as it spit its gut contents into me as it died. Pick off ...
My shoulder and shoulder blade have been hurting for 5 weeks, sends throbbing pain down the back of the arm to the elbow, and numbing and tingling in my hand an This topic is answered by a medical expert.
Snapping scapula syndrome refers to snapping, grinding or popping sound during shrugging or lifting an arm sideways due to rubbing of the shoulder blade against the rib cage. Other symptoms can include palpable crepitus over the medial side of the scapula, and pain along the medial border of the...
3.1.Pinched nervesin the neck spine (cervical radiculopathy) due tobulging or herniated discsor arthritis can cause discomfort or pain in the neck, medial shoulder blade border andouterside of the upper arm and tingling in the forearm, hand or fingers[10]. The pain can be triggered by bendin...
hi i have an iritating strong tingling in my left shoulder blade and it comes and gos its been hapening for awhile now can anyone tell me what that means or wha This topic is answered by a medical expert.
Pectoralis minorsyndrome includes pain below the collarbone, in the armpit and upper back. Long thoracic nerve injury on the side of the chest can result in numbness and vague mild aches below the armpit, and protrudingshoulder blade(winged scapula). ...
Signs: pain triggered by pressing near the lower shoulder blade angle (9). Diverticulitis Diverticulitis is an inflammation of pouches that form in the large intestine. Symptoms: constant pain and tenderness in the lower left abdomen, fever, nausea, constipation or diarrhea, occasional blood in the...
Causes include viral and bacterial infections and allergies.Jaw fracture can cause pain, tingling, numbness, bruise, swelling and jaw deformity, teeth misalignment and crackling sound during moving the jaw [7].A bone infection (osteomyelitis) in the lower jaw can develop as a complication of ...