A discussion of terror in West Bengal which led to Indira Gandhi's emergency rule is presented. Political policies and land reforms which were adopted over the years in West Bengal are discussed. Political and social changes which could be implemented in West Bengal for the betterment of the ...
Know about Fleming's left-hand rule and Fleming's right-hand rule and How it works. Learn Fleming's left-hand rule and Fleming's right-hand rule at BYJU’S.
In contrast with Kohli (1990), Glyn Williams (2001) regards that Kohli overemphasizes the political variables and the role of political parties and leadership in producing coherent rule, integrated domination, and social legitimization altogether. By emphasizing on the role of political organization ...
InequalityWest BengalClassThe 34 years Left-rule came to an end in 2011. This transition into a different political era has triggered an intense debate about what has led to this transfodoi:10.2139/ssrn.2661031Biswas, DebolinaSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
NATURE OF CONGRESS (I) PARTY AS AN OPPOSITION IN WEST BENGAL DURING THE LEFT FRONT RULE IN LATE NINETEEN SEVENTIES AND EIGHTIESThe Congress party did not play the effective role as an opposition party. The leaders' attempt and inability to unnerve the perceptible wind of Left Front's victory...