Our Valentine’s Day Left Right game – Cupid’s Wayward Arrows is a fun activity for kids, classrooms and groups. Like all Left Right passing games, participants pass candy or prizes left or right as the Valentine’s story is read. When the story ends the prize or candy that they have...
To speed things up, generate laughter, and get people passing gifts left and right and all around, we propose that you…tell a story. Whether you’re partying it up with large groups during the holidays, or just celebrating with your family, with the right Left Right Game (heheh) you’l...
Peter asked an old mouse for theRIGHTway to the gate , but she she only shook her headLEFTandRIGHTat him. Peter began to cry. Then he tried to find his wayRIGHTacross the garden, but he became more and more confused. Eventually, he came to a pond where a white cat was staringRIGHT...
Instruct them that as you read the story below “A Day in the Life of a Woman” that they are to pass the bag to the RIGHT every time they hear the word right and to the LEFT when they hear the word left in the story. Read the Right/Left Gift Exchange Game story below. At the...
211. right out of the gate: 顷刻之间/转瞬之间 212. to be up to speed: 与时俱进/跟上时代 213. to be not all roses: 美中不足/金无足赤 214. to give someone the hump: 惹人厌恶 215. to play footsie with: 眉来眼去/暗通款曲 216. a cut above the rest: 出类拔萃/鹤立鸡群 217...
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Haste makes waste:Your time is meant to be spent. After each level the timer will adjust to keep up with the story, so leave the area in the nick of time to get the most of each level! Knowledge is power:New abilities are unlocked as you uncover clues and complete the in-game data...
Looking for some more STEAM inspiration that you can use right now? Instant gratification style? Check out STEAM Explorers!! The coolest creative experience for kids is here! It's a digital book of the month club filled with tons of fun stuff for the kids to do and learn. All engineer,...
story surrounding it. The insides of the turkey fryer that was left behind reminded me of the delicious Thanksgiving meal that we all enjoyed. The empty pie pan reminded me of Katie’s delicious pies. The angel figurine reminded me of the white elep...